Heatmap View Options
Indication prioritization is presented in different views, allowing users to observe ranked diseases in a way that suits the pharmaceutical industry's interests. The heatmap may be displayed as an Ungrouped view, or the Pathology and Tissue/Organ system views as defined by manually curated classification by the PandaOmics team.
By default, indications are grouped by Pathology groups. Clicking on disease groups will reveal a list of included indications ranked by the scores that are turned on. The scores for Pathology/ Tissue/Organ system groups are calculated based on the the scores for individual diseases within groups.
Disease groups and indications are prioritized in ascending order based on their overall rank. Within each disease group, diseases are ranked according to their overall position in the entire disease space, and only the top 100 indications for each group are displayed. Moreover, users have the option to choose other types of heatmap views, such as grouping by Organ/Tissue system or switching to the Ungrouped view, where all diseases are in one list.